ODFW West Region Fish Research Projects
The Corvallis Research Laboratory is the headquarters for ODFW's West Region and Conservation and Recovery fish research programs.
Results are available through the Salmon & Steelhead Recovery Tracker and project web pages. Progress and Information Reports and other data can be found at the ODFW Data Clearinghouse.
Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds monitoring projects:
Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring (LCM) - Adult and juvenile fish trapping
Oregon Adult Salmonid Inventory & Sampling (OASIS) - Spawning ground surveys
Aquatic Inventories (AQI) - Aquatic and riparian habitat and juvenile snorkel surveys
Lower Columbia Chum Salmon Reintroduction
Fish Research Evaluation Data & Decision Support (REDD)
Coastal Chinook Research and Monitoring Program (CCRMP)
Fish Life History Analysis (FLHAP)
East Region Fish Research