Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring Information and Results
Note: LCM fish data are currently being updated.
A new comprehensive report will be published when this process is finished.
- Juvenile out-migrant estimates will be republished with updated Bayesian credible intervals. Point estimates may change slightly due to the estimator processes.
- Adult spawner estimates will be incorporated into a new database. Past estimates may change due to data import QA/QC.
LCM Trapping Data
The Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring Project has run fish in/fish out monitoring at eight sites and out-migrant only monitoring at six additional sites. Monitoring at the first sites began in 1988.
Wild Coho Salmon Fisheries Management
LCM abundance and survival data are used in fisheries management for wild Coho Salmon on the Oregon coast. Aggregate smolt to adult return rates at all LCM sites serve as an index for marine survival for Oregon Coast Coho. Trap catch of jacks, two year old precocial males, to LCM sites are one of the indicators that forecasts marine survival for future returns.
Coho Salmon Forecasts are in the PFMC Preseason Report